Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Nausea? How To Sleep Better?

A common symptom of many illnesses, nausea is the sensation of being sick to one’s stomach. Although nausea may indicate an underlying illness, the majority of cases are not serious. Anyone who has had motion sickness, nausea, migraines, or food poisoning may have felt queasy.

People who don’t get enough sleep occasionally may also go through this unpleasant situation. Gas, stomach pain, diarrhea, and other issues may accompany their nausea. We look more closely at the reasons why this might occur and how to treat the symptoms if it does.

How Sleep Deprivation Can Lead to Nausea


According to studies, a series of events increases the immune system’s activity when people don’t get enough sleep. One impact is an excess production of pro-inflammatory cytokines by the body’s immune cells. These substances can cause unpleasant symptoms by causing an increase in inflammation in body tissues, including the digestive organs.

The cause of symptoms like nausea may be intestinal inflammation brought on by inadequate or poor sleep. However, if the lack of sleep lasts for an extended period of time, it may be linked to digestive system changes that can result in chronic disorders.

Gastrointestinal Disorders

Lack of sleep has been linked in studies to digestive and gastrointestinal conditions that can lead to nausea and other symptoms. According to some studies, these disorders are more common in people who get insufficient sleep. Other studies demonstrated that sleep deprivation exacerbated the signs and severity of a gastrointestinal disorder.

• IBD, or inflammatory bowel disease, is characterized by chronic inflammation of the inner lining of the colon, which may result in bleeding and ulcers.
• A change in bowel habits and abdominal pain, cramping, and discomfort are all symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
• Crohn’s disease: This form of IBD is characterized by cramping, a loss of appetite, a fever, extreme fatigue, and watery diarrhea.
• Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD): GERD occurs when stomach contents flow backward into the esophagus, resulting in a burning sensation in the chest or throat.
• Peptic ulcer: A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of the small intestine or the stomach that causes severe stomach pain.
• In the large intestine, tumors caused by the disease known as colon cancer are first formed.

How Does Sleep Deprivation Impact Your Body?

Almost all of the body’s systems depend on sleep for proper operation. Lack of sleep increases the risk of developing heart issues, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, and other chronic diseases in addition to having an impact on the digestive system. Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system and increase a person’s susceptibility to infection.

Additionally, poor sleep can have a negative impact on one’s mental and emotional well-being. Lack of sleep has been linked in studies to cognitive dysfunction, including issues with attention, reasoning, judgment, and problem-solving. A person’s moods, emotions, and sex drive may all suffer from a lack of sleep.

Can Lack Of Sleep Cause Nausea? How To Sleep Better?

Tips for Sleeping Better

Establish Consistent Bedtimes and Wake-ups

Even on weekends, try to maintain a consistent bedtime and wake-up time.

Incorporate Bedtime Routines and Habits

Dimming the lights, reading a book, reducing noise, and brushing your teeth are just a few examples of bedtime rituals.

Remove Screens from the Bedroom

The brain can stay awake and alert by using smartphones, computers, TVs, and gaming laptops just before bed.


The quality and quantity of sleep can both be improved by engaging in regular physical activity.

Limit Naps

Taking naps, particularly those lasting more than 30 minutes or occurring in the late afternoon, can make it harder to fall asleep when it’s time for bed.

Keep the Bedroom Cozy

With cozy pillows and bedding, make your bedroom a quiet, tranquil space that is also temperature-controlled.

Avoid Caffeine, Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Large Meals before Bedtime

All of these have been demonstrated to impair sleep and lower the overall level of sleep quality.

When to Talk to Your Doctor

Consider calling your doctor if your nausea is persistent or comes along with other symptoms. Indicators of a more serious medical condition include vomiting for more than 24 hours, vomiting blood, headache, abdominal pain, and signs of dehydration.

Ask a doctor or other trusted health professional for assistance if sleep deprivation is ongoing or becoming unmanageable. A doctor’s visit to discuss sleep issues and nausea may include:

• A full medical history
• Listing current and past medications
• Assessing sleep habits and sleep patterns
• Discussing a sleep diary to record sleep and wake times
• Providing medical guidance and possible treatment recommendations
• A referral to a gastroenterologist, a sleep clinic, or both

The Bottom Line: Get Better Sleep

Your body cannot function as it should when it is not properly rested. Additionally, each movement requires additional effort, which exhausts your body even more.

Do yourself a favor and, when you get home tonight, take a herbal bath, relax with some calming music, light a candle, climb into bed, and take a few deep breaths before you turn in for a restful night’s sleep. You owe it to your body, yourself, and everyone else in the vicinity.