How To Keep Mice Away From Your Bed: 9 Useful Tips

Nobody wants to find wild mice living inside their house. They shouldn’t be seen around your bed or in your pantry, and you don’t want to see them crawling through it. However, you should take preventative action if you hear scurrying in your bedroom at night or find mouse droppings and urine. The last thing you want is for a mouse to start ruining your bedding or for you to contract a disease from it. Determining how to prevent mice from entering your bed is what we’ll be discussing today.

We’ll go over steps you can take to make sure mice don’t hang out in and around your bed.

Do Mice Nest in Bedrooms?

Yes, mice will build their nests in bedrooms if they can find a location that is not frequently disturbed. However, nesting is rarely possible in bedrooms. Nevertheless, mice frequently use them to look for food and building materials for their nests. Mice will still enter bedrooms, even if they are not their primary residence, to get supplies.

Many individuals bring food into their bedrooms. They leave a ton of food waste, including dishes covered in food crumbs. Mice are perfectly willing to eat off your plate alongside you. To build their own nests, mice also need to borrow some materials. Cotton, textiles, and paper products are all included.

The bedrooms contain all of these things. Nevertheless, mice are more likely to be discovered on a lower level of a house than on an upper level. In addition to being simpler to access, mice are less likely to be disturbed in lower areas.

Tips to Keep Mice Away from Your Bed

Keep Things Clean

If you frequently leave clothes on the floor, cups on your bedside table, and snacks nearby, your room can be a very cozy place to nest. If mice find your messy room, they might move on to your bed to explore. Maintaining a neatly organized wardrobe and limiting the amount of food and drink you keep in your bedroom will make it less appealing to rodents.

Stop Eating in Bed

The crumbs you leave on your bed are fair game for mice because they are opportunists. Although it’s a good idea to keep food out of your room entirely, it’s especially important to stop eating in bed because a mouse’s keen nose will direct it right under your covers to the crumbs.

How To Keep Mice Away From Your Bed: 9 Useful Tips

Raise Your Bed Off of the Floor

Did you know that mice have impressive jumping abilities? These tiny rodents have a maximum jump height of 13 inches. If left on the floor, mattresses can very easily be climbed up by mice because they are between 8 and 12 inches tall.

Move Your Bed Away from the Wall

Mice can run up nearly any rough, vertical surface and are excellent climbers. A mouse might be able to climb up to your bed directly if your wall has a small amount of texture. It can be even more difficult for a mouse to enter if you move your bed just a few inches away from the wall.

Avoid Creating Mouse Ladders

Don’t make it simple for mice to enter your bed! A path to your sleeping area may be created by stacking items close to your bed.

Fill Cracks and Holes in the Wall

You might not be aware that mice can squeeze through a dime-sized hole. Check your home’s interior and exterior to see if there are any dime-sized cracks or holes in the walls that need to be patched. Additionally, this will aid in keeping other pests from invading your space.

Mouse Traps

Avoid allowing this rodent the chance to enter your bed if you think you may have it in your house. To deter them from settling in with you, think about putting out mouse traps.

Let Your Pets Have Access to Your Room

A predator is the single most effective way to drive mice out of space. Cats kept as pets are well-known for being skilled hunters who kill mice for food and entertainment. Therefore, let your cat sleep in your room or make sure to bring their bed in at night. A mouse should be deterred from exploring your bedroom by the smell alone.

Call a Mice Exterminator

You can hire an exterminator to do a quick inspection of the house, set up a number of rodent repellents, or completely eradicate mice from your house. You will have to pay for this, but on the plus side, mice won’t be an issue in your home for a very long time.

How To Keep Mice Away From Your Bed: 9 Useful Tips

What Attracts Mice and Rats to Your Home?

When rodents are discovered living or reproducing in homes, attics, or garages, many people wonder what draws mice and rats to their residences and how to keep them out.

Some key reasons why rodents might enter your home include:

You haven’t cleaned up much recently. Mice are drawn to areas where food has been left out on counters or stovetops, crumbs have not been cleaned up, and garbage cans have been allowed to overflow. Mice don’t have particular food preferences, so they’ll happily eat whatever you leave out.
There is water. Mice must have easy access to water in order to survive, just like they do to food. Mice and other pests may gather anywhere in your home where water collects, such as in pet water bowls or from leaky pipes.
It’s more comfortable than outside. Mice need warm, cozy shelter to build their nests, have babies, and survive in addition to food and water. Any cracks or holes in the exterior of your house could serve as points of entry for mice, who could then enter the interior of your living space through your walls. Mice are good at fitting through surprisingly small openings. In actuality, a fully grown mouse can squeeze through a dime-sized opening.

Although some people think of mice as being relatively harmless or even cute, these unwelcome guests actually pose a serious threat to our loved ones, including our pets. It is well known that mice can transmit serious diseases like salmonella and hantavirus to humans. Additionally, mice-borne diseases like Lyme disease can be spread to people by the fleas and ticks that live on mice. And despite their small size, mice can be a serious problem when they invade a house. Mice, like other rodents, must gnaw frequently to keep their continuously elongating front teeth filed down, so when they chew through drywall, PVC pipes, or even electrical wiring, they can cause significant damage. Additionally, the harmful bacteria and viruses in their urine and feces have the potential to sicken humans and animals. These substances can cause expensive property damage if they are not cleaned properly because they soak through walls, floors, and ceilings.

You might be concerned about what would happen if your cat ate a rodent because of the illnesses that these animals can carry.

Close Note: Time to Take Action

It’s time to put your plans into action now that you know how to keep mice away from your bed. You must repair the holes in your walls, clear the room of clutter, and stop eating in your room. You can stop an outbreak of mice by using these straightforward fixes.