20. How to Sleep When Someone Is Snoring1

With the help of this manual, you can get the best advice on sleeping, snore fights, and long-term solutions that don’t lead to separation.

Do your partner’s snores cause you to regularly lose sleep? Which type of snoring bothers you more—light snoring that you simply cannot ignore, or the kind that rattles the windows but wouldn’t keep anyone awake?

Over 25% of adults regularly snore, and nearly half of all adults occasionally do so, according to ENT Health. As a result, a large number of people must try to figure out how to deal with the noise if they typically require silence to fall asleep.

How to Deal With a Snoring Spouse

Sleep is the only time during the day when you can unwind, unwind, and enjoy being at peace. There’s nothing more relaxing than curling up next to your spouse to unwind after a long day, only to discover that they start to snore and keep you awake.

Both you and they will have a very difficult time sleeping due to the constant vibrating sound that they make while breathing in and out throughout the night. Some couples may disregard it as a minor annoyance or endure it in silence (or lack thereof!), for most partners, it’s not that simple.

Sadly, sleep quality is a problem for Australians as a whole. Dr Maree Barnes from the Australasian Sleep Association estimates that around one-third of Australian adults suffer regularly from significant problems, don’t feel refreshed upon waking and wake up frequently throughout the night. In a recent survey, more than 60% of respondents said that they were disturbed by their partner’s snoring.

These figures are quite concerning because getting a good night’s sleep each night is crucial for maintaining good health. So it’s time to find some solutions if you’re having trouble trying to get some shut-eye while lying next to someone who snores all night.

Don’t Focus on the Sound of Snoring

Yes, it’s true that this is probably easier said than done. However, there are times when you can use your mind’s power to your advantage and teach yourself to minimize or ignore your partner’s snoring.

There are a few strategies you can try to distract yourself:

  • meditate
  • listen to a podcast
  • listen to a guided meditation or mindfulness meditation

You might be able to teach yourself to tune out the sound of snoring eventually, allowing you to fall (and stay) asleep.

Wear Ear Plugs

One of the simplest and quickest ways to get rid of the sound of your partner sawing wood next to you is to put earplugs in your own ears.

Fortunately, you have a wide range of options depending on your requirements (and how loud your snoring is).

Choose the reasonably priced soft foam earplugs that are available at the pharmacy. Additionally, you can purchase silicone noise-canceling earplugs that are intended to be worn by people who spend time in extremely noisy environments (such as rock concerts or airport runways).

Put on your noise-canceling headphones if you prefer not to feel like something is in your ear.

Listen to Music Or White Noise

The calming sound produced by a white noise generator is constant and steady. If everything goes according to plan, you’ll fall asleep.

Options are also available with some white noise generators. You can choose to listen to a waterfall or the sound of the ocean waves lapping against the shore.

Use a white noise or meditation app that you can download to your smartphone to replace a separate white noise machine if you don’t want to spend money on one.

Change Your Partner’s Position

Some people find that snoring is worse when they are lying on their backs while they sleep, or in the supine position. Studies support this.

Even though elbowing your snoring partner in the ribs to get them to turn over onto their stomachs and (hopefully) stop snoring has become a cliché, sometimes simply changing positions is all that is necessary.

To help snorers avoid lying on their backs, positional therapy (PT) is a treatment option. You have a number of options to consider.

  • trainer for sleep improvement. Consider sleeping in a padded weight belt. That is essentially the trainer’s premise. The wearer must roll over to their side instead, where they may snore less, because it makes it difficult for them to sleep on their back.
  • A tennis ball. In the middle of the night, when you’re eager to try anything, put a tennis ball (or any other smooth object) underneath your partner’s back to make it uncomfortable for them to lie on their back.
  • head-supporting pillow An anti-snore pillow, also known as a head-positioning pillow, assists in properly aligning the user’s neck to reduce snoring. Depending on how desperate you are to get a good night’s sleep again, you can either order one online or purchase one at a nearby store.
20. How to Sleep When Someone Is Snoring2

Encourage Your Partner to Get Evaluated

Don’t just accept your partner’s explanations or their insistence that they don’t snore.

Instead, express your worries and request that your partner see a doctor to be examined. If they feel uncomfortable going alone, reassure them that you will go with them.

A sleep study can quantify a person’s snoring as well as evaluate its potential causes. If the assessment identifies obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) as a problem, they can find out more about available treatments.

For those with OSA, there are effective treatment options available. Your partner might be a good candidate for:

  • continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) therapy
  • bilevel positive airway pressure (BiPAP) therapy
  • an oral appliance, similar to a mouthguard, which can position your jaw or hold your tongue in place

In the event that other treatments fail, surgery is an additional option.

And don’t assume that only men snore. According to research, women in particular have a propensity to underreport and underestimate their snoring tendencies. Additionally, they are less inclined to seek evaluation at a sleep clinic.

Sleep in a Different Room

Do you recall the saying that says that when things are bad, you have to do the impossible? In the event that everything else fails, you might need to leave the room at night.

If this option works for you, don’t feel bad about it. Your claims are supported by research. According to a 2002 study, when one partner snores, sleeping apart may actually increase marital satisfaction.

Be sure to let your partner know that you’d prefer to be together if you’re feeling lonely, though. They may be motivated to change as a result of this.

Can Sleeping With a Snorer Affect Your Health?

Every night of listening to your partner snore loudly next to you can definitely lead to resentment, which can harm your relationship.

However, did you know that exposure to secondhand snoring, as it is sometimes called, can also be detrimental to your health?

Sleep deprivation can cause memory problems, disrupt your mood, and even increase your risk of developing:

  • heart disease
  • diabetes
  • high blood pressure

A 2006 studyTrusted Source even notes that people who got less than 6 hours of sleep per night were more likely to have obesity, which can also raise the risk of certain chronic health conditions.

Your life expectancy may be being shortened as a result of your sleep loss. The mortality risk increased by 15% among people who slept 5 hours or less each night, according to a 2010 analysis of three sizable population-based studies.

You have a better chance of getting a better night’s sleep if you take steps to treat your partner’s snoring. Furthermore, if you get enough good-quality sleep, your own health will improve.

Why is My Partner Snoring So Loudly?

We all adore our partners, but occasionally you’ll find yourself attempting to sleep despite their incredibly loud breathing during the night, when you’re both supposed to be resting peacefully!

Contrary to popular belief, snoring has an adverse effect on everyone in the room, not just the snorer. Night after night, this can be incredibly disruptive. Simply because they are being kept awake all night by a loud partner, people who sleep next to a snorer are likely to be tired and experience all of the typical symptoms of sleep deprivation, such as irritability or a lack of concentration.

What is Happening When They Snore?

It is not unusual for people to snore. 40% of healthy adults snore frequently, whether they are aware of it or not, despite the fact that the causes vary4. Many people snore every night without even being aware of it, and they only become aware of it when a partner or housemate finally points it out to them.

When your partner is sleeping, airflow through their nose or throat becomes restricted, which causes them to snore. Airflow turbulence is a phenomenon that occurs when someone is lying down because the muscles in their upper airway relax. The surrounding tissue vibrates when air is breathed in and out, producing the well-known shuddering sound. Too much muscle relaxation can completely block the airway, which stops breathing altogether and forces the person to choke or cough to unblock it.

Sadly, these unconsciously generated responses may affect not only your sleep but also their sleep patterns and overall sleep quality. The effects of snoring can become very serious if it happens every night. They could have a lot of health issues, including headaches, irritability, and daytime fatigue. Additionally, you may be affected each and every night by the loud, repetitive noise.

What Causes Their Snoring?

There are two main reasons why people snore, and they have to do with structural and temporary factors.

Temporary Factors

Numerous transient factors, such as the use of sedatives, alcohol consumption, excessive smoking, seasonal allergies, swollen tonsils, sleeping position, and colds or the flu, can contribute to snoring. These elements are transient and only exist temporarily.

For instance, pollen can trigger an allergic reaction, smoking can irritate the airways, and alcohol and medications can relax the muscles in the throat, all of which can reduce airflow. In most cases, removing these short-term causes can resolve the issue and quiet the bedroom once more.

Structural Factors

Long-term structural factors include the shape of their jaw, nose, and palate as well as excess neck weight.

For instance, breathing while sleeping may be challenging if the nasal passages are blocked due to polyp growth or a structural abnormality, or if there are issues with the soft palate or muscle tone in the throat.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

And most importantly, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), a more serious condition, can be signaled by snoring. This condition can pose serious risks to your partner’s health due to diabetes, stroke and heart disease1. Below, we’ll talk more about this.

What Can You Do About Their Snoring?

It’s crucial to comprehend the precise causes of someone’s situation because there are numerous causes of snoring as well as a wide range of effective treatments. Once they comprehend the causes, they will be able to come up with the best solutions that are unique to their situation and get a better night’s sleep, which will benefit both them and you.

A lack of focus, daytime drowsiness due to interrupted sleep, a low libido, and embarrassment can all occur if your partner’s snoring is ignored, which is unfortunate.

Tips to Help Stop the Snoring

If your spouse snores, the first thing you should do is try to control the snoring so you can try to improve the quality of sleep you both get.

How long have you been aware of their snoring, you ask? Has this been happening recently or for some time? You might gain some insight into what might be the root of the problem by observing their habits.

By addressing the issues raised above, you can help your partner stop snoring at night. For instance, cutting back on alcohol or smoking, especially late at night, can help rule out those causes.

When Should You Go See a Doctor?

People frequently underestimate how serious snoring can be, making it simple to ignore. It’s time to schedule an appointment with your doctor or another sleep specialist if the aforementioned remedies are simply ineffective and you notice that your partner’s snoring isn’t getting any better.

If you snore loudly and frequently, your doctor may need to rule out other issues. It may indicate obstructive sleep apnea if you frequently hear your partner gasping for air or snorting during the night.

People with sleep apnea have chronically constricted airways, which causes them to snore frequently. Unfortunately, their snoring is so loud that they actually stop breathing for a few seconds at a time throughout the night, causing them to momentarily wake up with a choke, take in the oxygen they require, and then resume breathing. All night long, this keeps happening repeatedly without their knowledge. Aside from the noise bothering you, their body is under a lot of stress from this sudden awakening, which prevents them from getting a good night’s sleep.

In addition to raising the risk of depression, car accidents, and injury if left untreated, this condition can also cause these things.

At your appointment, your doctor or sleep specialist will inquire about both of your sleeping patterns and urge you to participate in a home sleep test or test at a sleep clinic to track their snoring patterns and further explore their condition. You can both feel at ease knowing that this is the most accurate method of identifying the best solution for your loved one.


If you’re trying to sleep with a partner who snores, don’t just endure the noise in silence.

You have a variety of options for reducing the impact. Test them out until you discover the best option for you.

Also, don’t be shy about asking your partner for any potential solutions. They might even shock you.