Bed Bugs

Most people struggle with bed bugs, and if you traveled over the holidays, you might have brought more than just gifts home. In the winter, these bothersome pests love nothing more than to hitchhike to warmer places, and once they’ve entered your home, they start to spread like wildfire. You’re in luck because, in today’s blog, we’ll reveal all the scents that bed bugs detest and explain how to keep them out of your home.

Lemon Juice

Most people enjoy the scent of lemons, and this citrus fruit has long been used to get rid of unpleasant odors in the house. However, that isn’t the only use for which lemons are appropriate. Lemon juice’s aroma is absolutely repulsive to insects, and most types of bed bugs are adversely affected by its astringent qualities.

Spray a small concentration of water and lemon juice in various places around your house. To fully benefit from the anti-bed bug properties of this ingredient, use fresh lemon instead of store-bought lemon juice.

Diatomaceous Earth

A powder known as diatomaceous earth is created from diatoms, which are fossilized aquatic organisms. The minute bed bugs come in contact with this substance’s razor-sharp edges, it is known as one of the most effective pest control products on the market. Diatomaceous earth has a strong smell that bed bugs find repulsive.

It’s simple to purchase this item online or at home improvement retailers. When you have diatomaceous earth, spread it all over your home to quickly start working its magic.

Peppered Powder

Bed bugs are turned off by the scent of pepper, and peppered powder in particular. If you don’t already have it in your kitchen cabinet, simply look for this ingredient at your neighborhood grocery store and liberally sprinkle it throughout your house. When bed bugs come into contact with this component, they will flee.

Tea Tree Oil

Due to its capacity to eliminate bacteria and treat acne, this essential oil, which is extracted from the leaves of the native Australian plant Melaleuca alternifolia, has seen a significant increase in popularity in recent years. The majority of people are unaware of the fact that tea tree oil is also very effective at getting rid of bed bugs.

Tea tree oil has a strong scent that bed bugs can’t stand, so they will try to flee as soon as they smell it. If you want your bed bugs to disappear, it’s best to liberally spray tea tree oil on big items in your home because it can also affect the state of their exoskeleton.

Lavender Oil

An effective bed bug and bed bug egg killer is lavender oil, a well-known insect repellent. Because these pests detest their flavor, aroma, and odor, it is one of the best natural treatments for them. You’ll get the added benefit of a great-smelling space after you’ve sprayed this oil around your home because, thankfully, most people find the scent of this oil to be absolutely delightful.

Lavender oil

Blood Orange Oil

Blood orange oil may not be as well known as other bed bug-repelling essential oils, but it is equally effective to, if not more so than, tea tree and lavender oil. Blood orange oil has been shown in studies to be more effective than other oils at killing bed bugs, but it does take some time to work. To ward off bed bugs, you can either spray this oil or put it in a diffuser.

Rubbing Alcohol

This well-liked disinfectant also works well as a bed bug repellent. When bed bugs come in contact with rubbing alcohol, the substance dries out their bodies and ultimately causes their demise. Rubbish alcohol’s smell deters these pests from laying eggs in addition to other ways. To effectively get rid of bed bugs, spray rubbing alcohol in their favorite hiding places.

Fresh Mint

Fresh mint smells wonderful to us all, but bed bugs hate it. That’s good news because we can get rid of them by using fresh mint. These pests’ nervous systems are disturbed by the smell of mint. Make sure to boil the mint in water before using it to get rid of bed bugs to ensure success. Spreading the scent throughout your entire home would help.

Neem Oil

Bed bug prevention can also be accomplished with neem oil. Neem oil is a natural insect repellent, say many pest technicians in reputable pest exterminator firms. In addition to repelling mosquitoes, its smell will force pests to leave the area as soon as possible.


In addition to what was already mentioned, bed bugs dislike the scent of cinnamon. Since bed bugs cannot tolerate the smell, it can deter them. To eliminate bed bugs and stop them from reappearing, sprinkle the powder onto your mattress. Also available are bed bug-repelling products that use cinnamon powder as an ingredient.

Final Thoughts

It’s critical to find an effective solution as soon as possible to prevent bed bug infestation from giving you restless nights and itchy bites. However, due to their quick reproduction and small size, bugs are difficult to get rid of.

The smells that bed bugs absolutely cannot stand, however, will cause them to leave your space. These include tea tree oil, lavender, lemon juice, rubbing alcohol, the aroma of fresh mint, and fresh mint scent. Not to mention that some of these items have the ability to both kill and stop bed bugs from reproducing. Hope you’ve enjoyed reading this article on bed bugs’ pet peeves!


What is a heat treatment for bed bugs?

Pest control companies typically employ heat treatment to eradicate bed bugs. By destroying the bed bug’s cells and rendering them inoperable, this treatment is effective. This is because the actual DNA of the bug is destroyed once cells reach a temperature of about 113 degrees.

Are bed bugs sensitive to light?

Bed bugs still need to eat even though they are nocturnal and don’t like light very much. Bed bugs can still bite you if the lights are left on and they emerge from the mattress or bed.

Can bed bugs survive water?

Bed bugs are notoriously challenging to get rid of, as we all know. Bed bugs may not be able to float as well if they have recently eaten or are larger by nature. They won’t be able to surface again after they are submerged in water. For up to 24 hours, a bed bug egg can remain viable in water.

Why Do Bed Bugs Smell When You Kill Them?

Bed bugs frequently exude unpleasant odors when they are killed. They are odors that have been compared to coriander or garlic by other people. It serves as a defensive mechanism to keep predators off their land! However, the scents can still have an impact on you even if they do not attack you. You will have trouble breathing and might even feel queasy if you remain in close proximity to these smells.